Let me first write this... Blockheads + NKOTB+ Las Vegas= EPIC!!
Let's rewind to about 4 months ago, when New Kids on the Block announced they were returning to the Western United States (Las Vegas), elated does not begin to describe my excitement considering I was planning a Vegas trip anyway. ;-) Nonetheless, I began an EPIC countdown with fellow Blockheads, and had another event (other than college commencement) to look forward to. As time began to go by, I began plotting a way to show our appreciation for NKOTB coming back to to Vegas with local Vegas Blockheads. We plotted on Facebook for about 2 months deciding on flowers and glow sticks. We wanted the plan to be a surprise, so as suggested by a fellow California Blockhead for me to start a private Twitter account (@NKOTBVegas) for others to get in on the plan. Along the way we plotted for a Let's Get This book drive and to raise money for Remember Betty, but it was nixed however life goes on. So the plan was agreed democratically that Friday Show was going to be the Flower show, and the Saturday show was to be the glow stick show. Our vision and what happened with these plans did not align, or so I thought. The glow sticks were seen by NKOTB and appreciated, so thank you to all who bought, brought, and swayed glow sticks!!
Moving on...this weekend was what I thought it was going to be concerning Blockheads...CONVENTION!! I met so many of the avatars I have been bonding with on Twitter from all over the world. It was great to meet all of you, and to those I didn't meet, I hope to meet y'all in the future! Thanks to the kindness and need to sell extra tickets from sisters we hadn't met yet, I was able to go to the Friday show. NKOTB did not disappoint, well if you are a stickler for a show being more than an hour and 15 minutes it did, but alas, there was a Saturday show. The Friday after party was off the chain, well in my opinion! Of course, the Saturday show was FIRE!!!
Anybody who knows me based on my Tweets or has hung out with me knows I am a Donnie Wahlberg gal. Yet, I approach this differently than most. I have been patient on getting Facetime, but thought that this weekend was my chance considering NKOTB and BH were going to be partying/staying in the same building at times. My previous chance in Vegas was an epic fail considering I just kept missing the guy. Luck hasn't always been on my side, but I haven't complained. In fact, I have always been happy for all of my sisters to get the Facetime I had been yearning for since I was 3 years old, but I digress.
Throughout the weekend, I kept meeting and running into sisters who had received Facetime from NKOTB, and yet I had not. I tried not to give up hope, considering the weekend was not over yet. I really appreciate all of you who helped out and wanted me to get my FIRST hug from Donnie Fucking Wahlberg. Anyway, Donnie threw a VIP Pool Party after the Saturday show, which warranted many of us eager BH to crowd the pool entrance in hopes of getting in, but then again the term VIP explains things. With us "Loitering" the Palms security team kept asking us to leave the area. I love how we made FAKE playing Slot machines an art this weekend. Finally at about "2 in the Morning", Donnie came into the casino to greet all who were waiting. Many hugs and pictures were granted to ironically "Full Service" playing in the casino, yet my encounter was not ideal. I kept calm, cool, and collected waiting my turn, and to my dismay, Donnie shook his head at me, and went to the next person. Let me explain how much this hurt...I had not eaten in hours warranting very low blood sugar, plus other personal things happened so I was not in good shape. I was very disappointed at the situation, and well deeply saddened considering my love for Donnie. Donnie came back, I got a hug, and a group picture with another BH. The next order of business was to finally eat at the cafe, where we discussed what just happened along with other BH things. ;-) As we went to the register to pay for our food, Donnie walked in, and again avoided me. Now, before you get in your head that I am hating or disrespecting him, I am not. Just not what I expected in terms of the experiences others have had or were having in front of me. After all of this, we decided to get sleep since Sunday was check out and traveling day.
I wake up on Sunday having had a few more hours of sleep than the previous couple of nights. I packed up my stuff, and began to make trips to my truck. Crazy how BH invaded that place, and this day the marquees were gone, and so were most of the BH. Walking through the hotel was eerie. I ran into a few other BH hoping that members of NKOTB were still present, but I along with them came to the conclusion that they had left. So finally, we checked out of the room at 1:00PM. I went to lunch with my girl Kelley at a local Vegas dinner, and since the Verizon network was down, we went to a mall to get my phone internet fixed. As we pulled up to the mall, I get a text from our sister Shanna, saying Jon was eating at the diner in the cafe. So, in BH fashion we rushed back to the Palms. I get a phone call from Kelley who got to the Palms first saying she had just saw Donnie in the casino with a few friends. I rushed into the casino to find Shanna and Kelley, then turned around to see Donnie walking towards us. Donnie recognized Shanna (See her blog for her story), then proceeded to hug and take pictures with all of us. Even told us Jon was going to come down. This encounter was very chill, and a complete turn around from hours earlier. Could have been the fact that there were only 3 of us. After this I was crying for different reasons...FACETIME. Shanna and Kelley were supportive of my encounter, and I was taken it all in...NKOTB Weekends are just emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting; yet the best weekends of my life.
Moral of this blog...Harness my patience, continue to love thy Blockhead family, and I am always going to be a Blockhead.
THANK YOU Donnie Fucking Wahlberg for the FACETIME! I love you man!!!!
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