Saturday, December 22, 2018

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #86-RAM

RAM sat down to chat about trance music, the state of the trance scene, his upcoming projects, and more!  For more information: &

This episode is brought to you by & with PROMO CODE: BBMEDIAINDUSTRIESLLC

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #85-Astrosphere (Robert Nickson & Driftmoon)

Robert Nickson & Driftmoon A.K.A. Astrosphere sat down to talk about trance music, influences, hardships, and their collaboration.  For more information:

This episode is brought to you by and promo code BBMEDIAINDUSTRIESLLC to save you 10%.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #84-Amy Blackwell

Amy Blackwell stops by to chat about comedy, Females in Comedy, mental health, and more! For more information, and to subscribe to Demand The Cure Podcast:
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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #83-Vince Schuld

Vince Schuld stops by to chat about comedy, sports, and trance music. For more information, please visit:

Episode supported by &!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #82-Kristina Sky

Kristina Sky joins the podcast to chat about trance music, women as DJs, Groove Cruise, and the future! Please follow her on social media, and visit her website: 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #81-Sergio MxEcho Gonzalez Jr. #MentalFitness

Sergio MxEcho Gonzalez Jr. joined the first of a series of episodes tackling the topic of mental health. We dive deep into our stories and struggles with depression and anxiety. Hope you find this chat helpful!

Sergio's FB Profile:

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #80-Gaston Sisters

Amy Gaston Sizemore and Kim Gaston stopped by to chat about trance music, Phoenix Trance Family, Anjunafamily, and more!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #79-Intricacy: Extrema Tour Artists

Manuel Le Saux, Carlos Arteaga, and Casey Rasch made up this podcast's first panel to chat about trance music, trance family, and the trance scene. Please enjoy this candid conversation!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #78-Danny Stephen

Danny Stephen A.K.A. Danny McMahon joined to chat about trance music, Phoenix Trance Family, music production, and more!

Stop Mental Health Shaming

Courtesy of BBC News
Courtesy of
Courtesy of CNN

As a person who has many different passion projects that are expressed through blogging, social media, and a podcast at times, I have been very open about my personal struggle with generalized anxiety disorder and depression.  Almost a year ago, I made the leap to stage my own intervention that has been documented on my YouTube channel and talked about on my podcast of quitting my medication Paroxetine (generic Paxil) COLD TURKEY to find more natural alternatives. My reasons for quitting the medication I was on for 6 years, were the physical side effects as well as my state of mind not being clear enough. I began to figure out that the medication was numbing all of my pain, and allowing me to live a generic existence. Stressful situations concerning jobs and everyday life lead me to turn to food on and off the medication. This caused me to quit eating healthy as well as quitting exercise via my routine gym schedule. I grew up an athlete, and become quite fond of my time in the gym, however, my mental state was deteriorating.

I am telling you this to get to my main point. There has been several recent suicides that not only have shocked "some" of the world, but have seemed to spark an overall awareness of mental health. Not to mention the constant debate of mental health and the every present school shootings in the United States. I want to end the shaming of those with mental health "issues". This is pointed at fellow sufferers who have at times risen above the necessary decisions to end their life. Despite the conditions being the same, WE all have different struggles. Just as we all know there is a stigma on mental health, the shaming from other sufferers on whether or not you sought out help NEEDS to stop.  It is great that you did what you did to find a way to get help and to stick with that overall plan, however, it is NOT that simple for EVERYONE. In your efforts to reach out to those suffering, please keep in mind that shaming a person for their struggle is just as bad as the overall stigma on mental health. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #77-Soap Box #19-The Signs of Hate

BB returns to her Soap Box to try and make sense of the current time we all live in, and how to alleviate 'the signs of hate'. 

Monday, May 7, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #76-Brooke Tomlinson #2

Brooke Tomlinson returns to chat about newly released tracks, upcoming solo project, and the trance family.

Please follow her on Instagram: _brooketomlinson 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #73-Alex Lueth

Alex Lueth (1/2 of Sean & Xander) sat down to chat about trance music, music production, and the overall trance scene.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Trending Topics with BB #71-Lawrence Worrell A.K.A. L*A*W* #2

Lawrence Worrell A.K.A. L*A*W* returns to chat about re-releasing his albums, the state of music, racism, and politics. It's a good one!

Follow L*A*W*:

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Founding a Non-Profit

Many reading this may or may not know that next month (February) I will be turning 30 years old. Depending on your life, you may find this old or young.  The reason this has been brought up is to explain my personal struggles through my 20s. Upon graduating college, the United States rather the world endured a harsh recession.  Despite all signs pointing to my behavior or mindset at the time not being prepared for what was about to happen, I took "a job" as a promoter in Las Vegas at the worse possible time. My suppression of anxiety and depression I had, finally became an issue resulting in my return to Arizona and getting help from my family and doctors. 

Thus my career has been one of survival.  Every job that I have taken has been one to survive. There has been many hopes to find stability, but ultimately, sales and marketing has been the furthest from stable. From poor management, to not having any structure at all, many different situations have contributed to my departure. Along those lines of being lost and struggling, I founded my own media company combining my passion projects. The hilarious thing here is that it has not made me enough money to "be successful". 

If you have read this far, you are wondering, why are you telling me this? Well, we all have struggles, but some may be worse than others.  One thing that has saved me on many occasions, is the ability to attend events. More specifically concerts of artists that produce music I enjoy. Hence, when a person posted in a Facebook group the proclamation that they have NEVER been able to afford to attend a concert of this artist (their favorite artist), it sparked this idea.  Why don't I help others experience something positive? We Event Organization has become a goal for 2018! 

The mission of We Event Organization is to use community unity to help each other attend the event they deserve. While there are many different non-profits and/or charities that help in a similar way, avoiding the cons of some of these to be innovative has become a priority. The idea that you need to be experiencing something so devastating or impossible to receive help, is going to be changed. The abuse of crowdfunding in GoFundMe has been maddening. It's time to help ANYBODY attend the event of their dreams! 

Facebook Page:

Facebook Group:

