Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #130-UNLEARN with Doc Brown


International DJ/Producer/Label Owner Doc Brown joins B.B. to chat about working in the music industry, journey to electronic music, Twitch streaming, UNLEARN Records, and MORE! For more information, please visit https://docbrowndj.com.

Please support this #podcast by ordering custom MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com

Monday, November 9, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #129-'Social Christmasing' with Straight No Chaser


Steve Morgan & Mike Luginbill from A Capella group Straight No Chaser chat with B.B. about brand new album 'Social Christmasing' and more! To order your copy, and more information: https://sncmusic.com

To support this #podcast, please order custom MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise

For inquires, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #128-Nifra


International DJ/Producer Nifra stopped by to chat about trance music, mix compilation 'Follow Me II', using Twitch streaming to reach fans, and more! Please watch this set we reference: https://youtu.be/IdSK8LHwK5g To order your copy: https://nifra.complete.me/followme2 For more information: https://nifra.sk/

Please support this podcast through ordering MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #127-Peggy Moore


Certified Professional Life Coach & BSN Peggy Moore joined B.B. for a conversation about Secondary Trauma due to COVID-19 and mental health as a whole.  For more information and to get in touch with Peggy, please visit https://linktr.ee/PeggyMooreLifeCoach.

Please support this podcast through ordering MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #126-Jason Beukema


Whet Travel & Whet Foundation CEO Jason Beukema joins B.B. to chat about starting Whet Travel, many sailings over the years, Groove Cruise, Whet Foundation, the cruise industry, and more! For more information, please visit https://whettravel.com/.

Please support this podcast through ordering MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Monday, October 5, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #125-LIVE Check-In


B.B. wanted to do LIVE Check-In of announcements as there are many ways to LIVESTREAM podcasts these days, and to be more interactive. 

Please support this podcast through ordering MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #124-Soap Box #24-Women's Rights


B.B. returns to the ol' #SoapBox to talk about Women's Rights, the loss of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the importance of voting November 3, 2020. 

To join the community and gain access to BONUS episodes, Become a Patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ttwithbb

For all inquiries, please email: ttwithbbpod@gmail.com
OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com

Friday, September 4, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #123-Super Star DJ ROS 2.0


Super Star DJ ROS returns to chat with B.B. about DJ mentor-ship through his course and book "How To Be A Millionaire DJ", updates with his documentary turned docu-series "IAMROS", his soon to be released album 'Capsule', and A LOT MORE! For more information: http://www.IAMROS.com/ |Follow on Social Media: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ThisIsDJROS |Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/iamros 

To join the community and gain access to BONUS episodes, Become a Patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ttwithbb

For all inquiries, please email: ttwithbbpod@gmail.com
OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #122-The Wilds


Beverly & Joel Wild (The Wilds) stop by to chat about their personal collaboration as a couple, musical influences, musical genres, their single "Light The Night", collaborations with other artists, and more! To pick up a copy and/or stream: https://ohm.complete.me/ltn Follow them on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4bocWUo8E9CaI2AW4cvECd?si=cI64wxgWS1iftgKluylNEg  

Follow them on Social Media:  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewildsofficial/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewildsofficial YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thewildsofficial

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/thewildsofficial Tune In to their Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thewilds 

To join the community and gain access to BONUS episodes, Become a Patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ttwithbb
For all inquiries, please email: ttwithbbpod@gmail.com
OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com

Friday, August 14, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #121-Diana Lehotsky

Fellow #Lucifan Diana Lehotsky stops by to chat with BB about all things 'Lucifer', Creation Entertainment's Inaugural 'Salute to Lucifer' Convention (#LuciCon), and predictions for season 5 premiering on Netflix August 21st.  Follow Diana on Twitter: @DianaLehotsky & Instagram: @Diana_Lehotsky.  

To join the community and gain access to BONUS episodes, Become a Patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ttwithbb

For all inquiries, please email: ttwithbbpod@gmail.com

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #120-Justin Kamps

Justin Kamps stops by to chat about his background, music supervision & Monster Sector, being the music supervisor for 'Lucifer' on Netflix, his podcast "Sequel Rights", and more!  Follow Justin on Social Media: @Aka12Max  To learn more about Monster Sector: https://www.monstersector.com/

 To join the community AND support this podcast, please BECOME A PATRON on Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/ttwithbb

 For all inquiries, please email: ttwithbbpod@gmail.com

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #119-Mental Health Check-BINGE WHAT?-Soap Box

This BONUS EPISODE encompasses all of the special theme episodes where B.B. performs a Mental Health Check before suggesting some entertainment to stream in BINGE WHAT?, then rounding it out with the #SoapBox.

Please support this podcast through ordering MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #118-Tshaka Armstrong

Tshaka Armstrong stops by to chat with B.B. about meeting on and the demise of Google+, Technology Philanthropy, Representation in Popular Culture, and a lot more! Please check out Culture Conversations here: https://www.foxla.com/news/culture-conversations-amplifying-diverse-voices-and-celebrating-culture

Tshaka Armstrong is a nerd. Founder of the non-profit digital literacy organization, Digital Shepherds, he’s also been a broadcast technology reporter, writer and producer. In addition to being an award-winning broadcast storyteller, he’s also covered tech online and in print for everything from paintball gear technology, to parenting gadgets, and general consumer technology. You can find his articles on multimedia technology on rottentomatoes.com. He blathers on about his many curiosities on his own site, tshakaexplainsitall.com and reviews the latest tech on reviews.org's YouTube channel. He’s on social media everywhere as @tshakaarmstrong.

Please support this podcast through ordering MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Friday, June 19, 2020

Classic Dance Music

It turns out I am pretty good at this Spotify playlist thing with my extensive knowledge of music. While listening to other music, I realized a 1990's/2000's homage to Electronic Dance Music was in order. Hope you follow and enjoy!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Black Musicians Matter

Due to recent events and encouragement/inspiration, I have put my music knowledge to the test to curate a #BlackMusiciansMatter playlist on Spotify. It is still a work in progress, but my hope is for you to realize the contribution of Black Artistry throughout history.  As of this post publication, there is currently almost 33 hours worth of music. #BlackLivesMatter

Hope you enjoy, follow, and share with friends and family! 


Friday, June 5, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #116-Farius

DJ/Producer Adam Turner A.K.A. Farius joins to chat about briefly meeting B.B. at a great party, his musical background and journey into Progressive Trance, his brand new album 'From The Start', and much more! Find 'From the Start' on all music portals or here: https://open.spotify.com/album/5fUAt336RVzjYVm7l4kC5a Follow Farius on social media: @fariusmusic

Please support this podcast through ordering MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #115-Soap Box #23-Civil Unrest

BB returns to her #SoapBox to share some thoughts on the current Civil Unrest of 2020 in the United States; also to share some facts on her background, and offer some suggestions for the future. 

Please support this podcast through ordering MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Friday, May 22, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #114-Mental Health Check

BB returns to do a Mental Health Check during this time of COVID-19 lock down to provide some support in speaking out and informational resources to seek. How are you doing?

Please support this podcast through ordering MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #113-BINGE WHAT? #4

It's time for another edition of BINGE WHAT? in this time of staying home. BB runs down content to watch on Netflix, HBO Now, Hulu, Prime Video, and YouTube.

Please support this podcast through ordering MERCHANDISE: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For any inquiries, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

OFFICIAL Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #112-Nicholas Gunn 2.0

Musician, Composer, & Producer Nicholas Gunn returns to chat with BB about his new album 'Pacific Blue', the state of the music industry, Trance in Dance Music, and more! To pick up a copy of 'Pacific Blue' on any platform April 24, 2020, and to learn more information: https://orcd.co/ajp07k0 & https://nicholasgunn.com/

To support this podcast, please order OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE here: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For comments, questions, concerns & inquiries, please email: ttwithbbpod@gmail.com

OFFICIAL Websitehttps://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #111-DJ Hey 3.0

Heather Nyblade A.K.A. DJ Hey returns for the third time to chat about meeting BB in real life, talking to her mentor and favorite artist Ferry Corsten again, her career as a trance DJ, and a lot more. To support and follow DJ Hey: Linktr.ee/DJHeyOfficial

Please support this podcast by ordering OFFICIAL merchandise: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For comments, questions, concerns or suggestions, please email ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

Official Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #110-U.S. Election 2020 with Marcus

Marcus joins BB for a chat concerning the 2020 U.S. Election and Primary Election, and whether or not it's time to change the status quo of Democracy.

To support this podcast, please order your merchandise here: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

For comments, questions, and concerns, please email: ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

Official Website: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #109-Groove Cruise 2020 Recap

BB returns to talk about FINALLY experiencing Groove Cruise via the Miami 2020 edition. To book your voyage or for more information: https://groovecruise.com/
Save $50 per person on your booking with promo code "bbmediaindustries".

Order your OFFICIAL Merchandise: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/

Official Website & Email Addresshttps://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/ & ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Trending Topics with BB #108-Happy 2020

BB checks in to wish you all a Happy 2020 or Happy New Year!

Official Website & Email Address: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/ & ttwithbbpod@gmail.com.

Official Merchandise: https://trendingtopicswithbbpodcast.com/merchandise/